Timothy was in his season


First cutting

Grass that is first harvested in the year, generally in the before blooming stage, should be harvested before the plant reaches maturity to the point where the stems become larger and rougher for the first harvest. During this period, the Timothy fiber content is the highest, and the peristalsis of the rabbit stomach is the best help and effect.

Interestingly, Timothy hay is ideal for animals with delicate digestive systems, skin problems, diarrhea, and weight issues.[7]

Second cutting

The second harvest is harvested 40 to 60 days after the first harvest, depending on the temperature of the day and night. General alfalfa grass, mixed hay, orchard grass need 40-45 natural long-term. Timothy grass takes 55-60 days.

Second cut hay generally has plenty of leaves, with thinner and softer stems. The percentage of crude protein and crude fat is increased, but the percentage of crude fiber is lower, depending on the ripeness of the grass at the time of cutting.

Diplax, like diplax, is suitable for animals with delicate digestive systems, skin problems, diarrhea and weight problems.

Third cutting

If the growing season is long enough in any given year, then it is possible to have a third harvest in the field. The third harvest is usually very soft hay, mainly small stems with few leaves. Therefore, it may be more palatable hay for finicky rabbits who may not like the more immature and fibrous 1st and 2nd cuts.

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